In August’s book, “Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals”, primatologist Frans de Waal considers the evidence for moral behaviour in other animals and its implications for human nature. Is morality biological or cultural? Join the debate as you read along with the club!
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I would love to join the bookclub, but being a: not very rich, and b: a citizen of Europe I find it hard to aquire the books you feature. Could there be a chance that people like me can get an electronic copy of the book to be able to join in the community discussions and be broadened mindwise this way ? Maybe an arrangement where the copy would be valid for say 2 months and then selfdestruct or something, and a copy-protection ?
I hope you and your sponsors can use this idea that just popped in my head; I really hope so, it would be a great asset to your mission of bringing science to everyone who is interested regardless of social and financial position.
Love the show as ever, Twismingon Daniel.