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technology Archive
15 July, 2010 – This Week in Science
Blackholes Around Us, Gravity Defying, Practice Makes Perfect, Birds And Magnets, Three Blind Mice, Lying Eyes, Plants and Intelligence, Minion Mailbag, and Much More... -
08 July, 2010 – This Week in Science
Pretty Planck Pics, Sexy Ticking Clocks, Living Longer?, Need New Now, TWIS Decade in Review: Epigenetics, and Much More! -
01 July, 2010 – This Week in Science
Nature’s Speed Limit, Life Getting Older, Drinking Makes You Trackable, Quantum Fleas on Mt. Everest, Science of Happiness, Dental Discoveries, Kids On Walls, and Much, Much More… -
28 June, 2010 – This Week in Science
Scientific Fields Entangled Biology and Physics merge as scientists try to explain the DNA double helix with quantum entanglement. Attack of the Long-Lasting Tomatoes Researchers used yeast genes to creat a transgenic tomato that delays decay for up to a week longer than what is currently normal. Bedtimes for the Japanese The Japanese government is […] -
21 June, 2010 – This Week in Science
Celestial Tinker Toys, Kepler Vision, 3 Reasons To Save The Whales, TWiWorld Justin Domination, News Bites, and Interview with Joseph Jackson and Eri Gentry about Open Science. -
07 June, 2010 – This Week in Science
Teeming Titan?, Insulated Earth?, Stupid Suicide, Weird Canadian Animals, Mini-Black Holes, Monkey-Cat Sighting?, Changing Constants And Bleeding Eyes, Life And Genetics, Ancient Carnivore Brains, and LOTS of Scott Sigler!!! -
24 May, 2010 – This Week in Science
Build Your Own Bacteria Scientists have created a completely synthetic organism by copying the genome a certain species of bacteria, thereby paving the way for a new method of creating bacteria that will do specific tasks such as clean up oil spills. Poo Power Fuel from municipal sludge is now within a few cents of […] -
17 May, 2010 – This Week in Science
Scanning Archaeopteryx, Scary Pee, Labs On A Chip, Killer Robots in the Kitchen, Stem Cells for Hearing, Take A Pill, Minion Mailbag, and Much More…