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This Week in Science – 10 February, 2009
LHC News!, Valentine’s Day Warnings, Don’t Feed the Fish, Giant Pythons, Malignant Marijuana, This Week in the End of Florida, Dog/Wolf Love, and Interview w/ Dr. Sean B. Carroll re: Evolution -
This Week in Science – 03 February, 2009
One-Sided Magnets, Ballsy Mice, Algae Genes, Blowing Hard, Cosmic Extremes, Froggy Discoveries, and the Minion Mailbag. -
This Week in Science – 27 January, 2009
The End of the World, This Week in Evolution, Why Being an Astronaught Isn’t So Hip,Police and Non Lethal Weapons Don’t Mix, Recess Makes You Smarter, and Interview on Autism w/ Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen -
This Week in Science – 20 January, 2009
Martian Gassyness, Our Hologram Universe, Hydras to the Rescue, Female Strength, TWIS Mailbag, and More! -
This Week in Science – 13 January, 2009
Transmission Dismission, Chemical Replication, Defrosting Beef, Little Girl is Back!, My How the Fruit Flies, Mossie Love Songs, This Week in Science History, and Headline Round-up. -
This Week in Science – 06 January, 2009
Tiny Eyes, Roving Mars, Feeling Secure, Vitamin Hopes, Alcoholic Assays, and an Interview w/ Scott Sigler re: Contagious. -
This Week in Science – 30 December, 2008
Bye-bye 2008! Science and Celebrities, Predictions for 2009, Mars Alive, Bacteria Support Groups, Bird Songsters, Favoring Orangutans, and TWIS Question of the Month! Hello 2009! Happy New Year everyone… -
This Week in Science – 23 December, 2008
The Top 11 Science Stories of 2008… Merry TWIS-mas!!!