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news Archive
12 April, 2010 – This Week in Science
Deep Black Smokers, World Robot Domination, Cooperating Neurons, Surfer’s Theory Sinks, Autistic Genes, Supertaskers Among Us, Banning Old Drivers, Australopi Missing Link, Memristors Return, Empathy Versus Violence, Demoting Fruit Flies, Japanese Gut Bacteria, And Much More… -
06 April, 2010 – This Week in Science
Science news from the week, special guest appearances, and the Decade of Climate Change in Review… -
30 March, 2010 – This Week in Science
Hubble Confirmations, Brainy Drug Dealer, PacMan In Space, Fuel Friendly Yeast, Methanogens Breathe Easy, Pinky Sex, A Lead Burrito, Seeing In The Dark, Momma Knows Best, Stinky Birds, This Week in World Robot Domination, And Much More! -
23 March, 2010 – This Week in Science
SXSW Recap, Exceptional Shrimps, Could Be A Hobbit’s Uncle, How To Grow A New Leg, Glaucoma Gets Brainy, Planck Gets Dusty, Seaweed Supplementation, Sperm Play Tron, Science Plays Poker, LHC Record Breaking, And Much More! -
09 March, 2010 – This Week in Science
A City On the Move, Asteroids To Blame, Minion Miffed At Geo-Engineering, Ritalin On The Brain, A Snowball’s Chance, Gluten-Free Genes, Magnetic Meanderings, Ants vs. Toads, and Much More… -
02 March, 2009 – This Week in Science
Materialistic Quantum Leap, R U Who U Think U R, Planets Old And New, Beware Cows And Women, Discriminating Damselfish, Cocaine 4 Babies, and Interview w/ Rich Mooney and Todd Roberts on Bird Brains and Lasers. -
23 February, 2010 – This Week in Science
Kirsten Goes to AAAS, Dolphin Debates, Math With A Purpose, Power Naps, Wasps And Butterflies, Biological Aging, Exploring Explorit, TWI the Decade of Science: Brain-Computer Interfaces, and Much, Much More… -
16 February, 2010 – This Week in Science
In the show this week: Synthesizing Proteins, Tiny Tightrope Walkers, GABA Goes Immune, Fabricating Electric Clothes, Multidemensional Drake Equation, Adventurous Great Tits, The Dino-Bird Question, Robot Patients, The Spiritual Brain, This Week in The End of The World, and Much More!