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08 December 2023 1:36 PM | No Comments
Dr. Kirsten Sanford Archive
15 December, 2009 – This Week in Science Broadcast Extended Version
Stem Cells Beat Sickle Cell, Breathing Space Gas, Eight-legged Coconut?, TWIS Does Global Warming, One – Two – Six?, Stem Cell Grudge Match, Bacteria To Burn, Evolvem Giveaway, and Much, Much More… Really, we just went on and on… -
10 November, 2009 – This Week in Science
Shocking Anti-Matter Finding, New Supernovaes, Faulkland Fox Family, A Phone Call, Altruistic Ants, Icy Antarctic Ecosystem, Life In The Lab, Prenatal Phonics, Synthetic Solutions, Feeding The Children, and Much More! -
03 November, 2009 – This Week in Science
Observing Life, Dumpin’ Punkins, Smell of Doom, Driving Bad, the Teapot Effect, Ancient Blasts, Demoting Dinosaurs, Fishy Movements, The Minion Mailbag, and Much More! -
27 October, 2009 – This Week in Science
Brains!, Sight For the Blind, Whiskers On Robots, Death To Mosquitos!, Musical Brains, Regenerating Nerves, What’s Up With The Bees?, The Best Dino Ever, and Interview w/ Dr. Bill Schutt re: Sanguivores. -
06 October, 2009 – This Week in Science
It’s Nobel Time Again, and IgNobel Time, Give TWIS A Prize, DARPA Wants You, Slow-Motion Brains, Chemical Racing, The BOSS, Quantum Waffles, Mushroom Lighting, Scientist Says, Little Old Lady Findings, Revisiting the Sun and the Moon, and the Minion Mailbag -
01 September, 2009 – This Week in Science
The Might Be Giants and Science!, Baby Monkey Mitochondria, Space Invaders And Closetalkers, Sunspots And the Sea, Touch But Don’t Touch, Mouse Versus Moth, and Interview w/ Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson re: Science and Stuff -
16 June, 2009 – This Week in Science
Bisphenol Everywhere, Toxo Crashes Cars, Beware of Robo-Ferret, RoboGames Redux, Adventures in Popularity, Move Over Silicon!, Go Fly A Kite, TWIS Bits, and Interview w/ Dr. Greg Gibson re: Genes and Illness. -
June 09, 2009 – This Week in Science Broadcast
A Dirty Galactic Secret, Hippocratic Hypocrisy, Your Laughing Ape, People Underwater, Batty Buddy Beacons, and Interview w/ Douglas Richards, author of the Prometheus Project books.