By Kirsten SanfordPublished: May 14, 2010Posted in: z-Science-VideosTags:
This Week In Science’s own Dr.Kiki interviews world renowned physicist Michio Kaku
About the Author
I'm the host of this little science show.
Posted July 30, 2010 at 12:39 PM
Thanks for the interview Kirsten. I hope you’ll be able to have Michio back on the TWIS to talk about current LHC results.
Your regular listener from Ukraine, Odessa.
Erfan Arabfakhri
Posted August 15, 2010 at 12:13 PM
Thanks Dr. KIKI, I enjoyed the interview but where can I find the whole video or audio ? can you tell me which podcast to download ?
Posted August 22, 2010 at 12:57 PM
Kaku, as usual, is being dishonest when he takes credit for contributing the equation for string field theory!
Light-cone string field theories were introduced by Stanley Mandelstam and developed by Mandelstam, Michael Green, John Schwarz and Lars Brink. An explicit description of the second-quantization of the light-cone string was given by Michio Kaku and Keiji Kikkawa. (From
Posted September 25, 2010 at 6:17 AM
kiki interviews kaku…really?
Posted October 7, 2010 at 12:00 AM
most physicists don’t believe in god but they like to dance around the question for some reason.Do you believe in god it is a simple yes no answer. nobody is going to crucify you if you don’t or do so stop billsh?ting..
Posted November 28, 2010 at 4:46 PM
There is no God. There are mathematics that manage everything in a godlike manner. Man invented god and math was already there everywhere around him to begin with.
Posted December 1, 2010 at 12:33 PM
Interesting. In search of the truth I’ve come to believe in a God, who (like Michio Kaku and Einstein propose) is passive at the moment. I’ve come to my current position mostly because of the question ‘where did it start?’ Many scientists (recently Stephen Hawkins) have stated that the genesis of the universe can be supported by formulae alone but one can always delve deeper – where did IT start?
Anyway that’s my take on the subject atm.
Mathew H
Posted December 2, 2010 at 4:29 PM
Here here to… Menkeechang Posted November 28, 2010 at 4:46 PM
Posted December 3, 2010 at 5:28 PM
The universe doesn’t use or need mathematics or gods to exist… both are man made… both are tools
Posted February 12, 2011 at 9:53 PM
@Mic Well, if you are going to go to the where did IT come from … Oh, you mean where did the universe/singularity come from I thought you meant where did God come from.
@ Jacksonfly I would not say man invented math – he/she may have invented a way of expressing the relationships between things – but not invented the relationship. Did man invent 2+2=4? We might have defined the symbols and could have used a different symbol for representing four. It is like politicians trying to re-define pi as 3.1 or 3.2 just because – now that is inventing math.
Marion Morris
Posted May 23, 2011 at 6:17 AM
I am currently in a meeting and have not had the chance to listen to this paticularly afresh podcast. I can at least say that Michio Kaku is my favorite theorectical physicist, however, I have not seen anything that he has created or has taken ownership of. Despite his lack of orginiality, he is great in his succint interviews and provides some amazing thoughts on the future. Some mentioned string theory but did not list Ed Witten as one of the brilliant minds of its origination. If anyone has any other great sites please reply, I have just discovered this site, and so far, I love it and welcome more.
Posted August 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM
Frankly, the mention of “God” offends me, and so does Michio Kaku.
I don’t know which is worse.
His books full of bad science fiction in the guise of futurology, or his self-important egotism.
Can you take him off the homepage carousel?
It hurts me every time he pops up.
Maybe put up a picture of honey badger!
Honey badger don’t care.
Posted October 6, 2011 at 5:57 AM
As this is a freewheeling dicussion on whether or not God exists, I’d like to throw in some thought provoker for those who don’t believe in God. The universe is the hardware. God is the almighty software that is not restricted by time and space. And the source of power to make them work is the interaction between matter and anti matter.
Posted January 10, 2012 at 6:22 PM
LOL @ Saut, nice childish fantasy you dreamed up. I’ve read your little paragraph of nonsense, now you got read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. See how that tastes.
Posted February 3, 2012 at 1:40 PM
@Gendou.. You should call it “Dawkins Delusion” would be a better title..
George Heussenstamm
Posted March 7, 2012 at 8:23 AM
Whether Spinoza’s God is a fact or not doesn’t matter and doesn’t concern mankind’s bungllng clamor for answers to the big questions. What concerns me is the colossally anthropomorphic and anthropocentric insistence that God is the God of the bible, of the K’uran, of any organized religion that promises personal attention and immortality. These religions were born out of ignorance and stupidity—at a time when nothing was known about our world, our sun, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe.
Posted May 13, 2012 at 7:17 PM
I halucinated today thinking my mom was calling me then I walked outside to open the door.. she said she never called me LOL..
Posted May 13, 2012 at 7:19 PM
dude one time I had a beer and I took a nap.. then I had to go to the bathroom.. and I got up out of a chair to go to the bathroom and walk up the stairs.. but then time reset it’sself and put me back into the chair.. and I woke up and tried to get up out of my body but it wouldn’t work.. and then after a while it did.. but then eventually I got up and got to go.. tears fell down my eyes from how weird it was.. ?also I had an out of body experience a few weeks ago where I could see my hand move from my side.. and it was too scary and I tried to wake up..
giày converse
Posted July 15, 2015 at 1:11 AM
The universe doesn’t use or need mathematics or gods to exist
Thanks for the interview Kirsten. I hope you’ll be able to have Michio back on the TWIS to talk about current LHC results.
Your regular listener from Ukraine, Odessa.
Thanks Dr. KIKI, I enjoyed the interview but where can I find the whole video or audio ? can you tell me which podcast to download ?
Kaku, as usual, is being dishonest when he takes credit for contributing the equation for string field theory!
Light-cone string field theories were introduced by Stanley Mandelstam and developed by Mandelstam, Michael Green, John Schwarz and Lars Brink. An explicit description of the second-quantization of the light-cone string was given by Michio Kaku and Keiji Kikkawa. (From
kiki interviews kaku…really?
most physicists don’t believe in god but they like to dance around the question for some reason.Do you believe in god it is a simple yes no answer. nobody is going to crucify you if you don’t or do so stop billsh?ting..
There is no God. There are mathematics that manage everything in a godlike manner. Man invented god and math was already there everywhere around him to begin with.
Interesting. In search of the truth I’ve come to believe in a God, who (like Michio Kaku and Einstein propose) is passive at the moment. I’ve come to my current position mostly because of the question ‘where did it start?’ Many scientists (recently Stephen Hawkins) have stated that the genesis of the universe can be supported by formulae alone but one can always delve deeper – where did IT start?
Anyway that’s my take on the subject atm.
Here here to… Menkeechang Posted November 28, 2010 at 4:46 PM
The universe doesn’t use or need mathematics or gods to exist… both are man made… both are tools
@Mic Well, if you are going to go to the where did IT come from … Oh, you mean where did the universe/singularity come from I thought you meant where did God come from.
@ Jacksonfly I would not say man invented math – he/she may have invented a way of expressing the relationships between things – but not invented the relationship. Did man invent 2+2=4? We might have defined the symbols and could have used a different symbol for representing four. It is like politicians trying to re-define pi as 3.1 or 3.2 just because – now that is inventing math.
I am currently in a meeting and have not had the chance to listen to this paticularly afresh podcast. I can at least say that Michio Kaku is my favorite theorectical physicist, however, I have not seen anything that he has created or has taken ownership of. Despite his lack of orginiality, he is great in his succint interviews and provides some amazing thoughts on the future. Some mentioned string theory but did not list Ed Witten as one of the brilliant minds of its origination. If anyone has any other great sites please reply, I have just discovered this site, and so far, I love it and welcome more.
Frankly, the mention of “God” offends me, and so does Michio Kaku.
I don’t know which is worse.
His books full of bad science fiction in the guise of futurology, or his self-important egotism.
Can you take him off the homepage carousel?
It hurts me every time he pops up.
Maybe put up a picture of honey badger!
Honey badger don’t care.
As this is a freewheeling dicussion on whether or not God exists, I’d like to throw in some thought provoker for those who don’t believe in God. The universe is the hardware. God is the almighty software that is not restricted by time and space. And the source of power to make them work is the interaction between matter and anti matter.
LOL @ Saut, nice childish fantasy you dreamed up. I’ve read your little paragraph of nonsense, now you got read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. See how that tastes.
@Gendou.. You should call it “Dawkins Delusion” would be a better title..
Whether Spinoza’s God is a fact or not doesn’t matter and doesn’t concern mankind’s bungllng clamor for answers to the big questions. What concerns me is the colossally anthropomorphic and anthropocentric insistence that God is the God of the bible, of the K’uran, of any organized religion that promises personal attention and immortality. These religions were born out of ignorance and stupidity—at a time when nothing was known about our world, our sun, our solar system, our galaxy, our universe.
I halucinated today thinking my mom was calling me then I walked outside to open the door.. she said she never called me LOL..
dude one time I had a beer and I took a nap.. then I had to go to the bathroom.. and I got up out of a chair to go to the bathroom and walk up the stairs.. but then time reset it’sself and put me back into the chair.. and I woke up and tried to get up out of my body but it wouldn’t work.. and then after a while it did.. but then eventually I got up and got to go.. tears fell down my eyes from how weird it was.. ?also I had an out of body experience a few weeks ago where I could see my hand move from my side.. and it was too scary and I tried to wake up..
The universe doesn’t use or need mathematics or gods to exist