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TWIS Bookclub Archive
TWIS Bookclub — May — The Stuff of Thought
The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature Steven Pinker What are the deep structures of language? What are the deep structures of thought? What insights about thought can we gain by studying language? In May’s book, Steven Pinker takes us into the heart of these questions! buy -
April 28, 2011 – This Week in Science
Big Physics News, Human Brain Hacking, Big City Bird Brains, Sleepy Neurons, Smart Motivation, Hot Mosquito Action, And Much More... -
TWIS Bookclub — April — The Chemistry of Life
The Chemistry of Life Steven Rose At its most fundamental level, life is chemistry. In our book for April, Steven Rose takes us on a guided tour of proteins, lipids, sugars, nucleic acids and other molecules, and explains their role in the structure and metabolism of our cells. buy -
TWIS Bookclub — Book of the Month for March
Titan Unveiled: Saturn’s Mysterious Moon Explored Ralph Lorenz, Jacqueline Mitton On January 14, 2005, the ESA Huygens probe ended a two billion mile, seven year journey by plunging into the atmosphere of Saturn’s enigmatic moon Titan. The data it returned transformed our picture of that distant world. In March’s book, follow the story of Huygens […] -
24 February, 2011 – This Week in Science
Cell Phone Redux, A Mouse Heart, TWIWRD, Print Your Skin, Mind On Driving, Unlocking The Locked In, Bloody Chemicals, Planets And Exoplanets, A Leaky Gut, And Much More... -
17 February, 2011 – This Week in Science
Stardust, TWIWRD, Bones And Sperm, TWIBabies!, Gonorrhea Steals Genes, Pesticides and Parkinsons, Walk Like An Egyptian, Tyche Controversy, And Much More... -
10 February, 2011 – This Week in Science
This Week in Brains, Dating The Voynich, Parrots And Left Hands, A Gas Influencing Orbit, Bubbles Of Clay, Deserts And Jumping Genes, Justin Has Snake Legs, And Much More! -
03 February, 2011 – This Week in Science
Kepler Finds, Our Big Universe, Power To The Future, Brains And Bacteria, Military Alternatives, Getting Humans Out, Making Better Chips, Minion Mailbag, And Much More...