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space exploration Archive
This Week in Science – 30 December, 2008
Bye-bye 2008! Science and Celebrities, Predictions for 2009, Mars Alive, Bacteria Support Groups, Bird Songsters, Favoring Orangutans, and TWIS Question of the Month! Hello 2009! Happy New Year everyone… -
This Week in Science – September 30, 2008
Moon Dust, Stem Cells, Wrestling With Herpes, Flu News, Dino Lungs, This Week in Mars, and an interview w/four science festival organizers from around the globe. -
This Week in Science – November 06, 2007
TWISclaimer!, Fuel Fight?, Chinese in Space, Sod It, Olympic Doping, Excercise Is Power, Pictures Made Real, This Week in World Robot Domination, The Weird From Washington, TWIStributors, Brainbow, and Little TWIS Bytes -
This Week in Science – September 25, 2007 Broadcast
Hobbittses, Passing On the Changes, To Mars Alice, Sperm Or Death?, Dino Discoveries, The Weird From Washington, and Interview w/ Dr. James Watson (yes, THE Watson of Watson and Crick… don’t look so surprised) -
This Week in Science – May 03, 2007 Broadcast
It’s a Hog-Wash, More Bang for the Ethanol, Powerful Beer, LHC Update, Bee Drama, Banana Vaccine, Mouse-Brained Computer, Thinking Ahead, The Weird in Washington, TWIS-tributor!!!, Bear Strength, Justin Rants, The Nitty Gritty of Bird Sex -
This Week in Science – February 20, 2007 Broadcast
Poached Egg Caper, Columbus Ore Bust, Guerrila Urinal Marketing, Who Speaks Science, Influential TV, It’s Really Getting Hot in Here, Smokin’ Brains, Shark Attack, Hirsuit? Drink Tea, Defending Against the Asteroid Threat, & Interview w/ Dr. Chris Okubo about water on Mars. -
This Week in Science – February 07, 2006 Broadcast
Superbowl Consumption Sum Tonnage, Cometary Panspermia Epiphany, NYC Bedbug Epidemiology, Bacteria and Spiders Join Forces to Better Kill You, Plus a Tech FUBAR-ed Interview with Harvard Theoretical Physicist Lisa Randall, Science