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23 December, 2010 – This Week in Science
Genomic Fossils, Ecstasy Therapy, Brainy Photons, Smart Feels Good, Matter Matters, Anti-Microbial Colding, Correlation Station, BPA Eggs, A Lunar Eclipse, And Much More... -
11 November, 2010 – This Week in Science
Lead on Lead Action, Justin Rants About Gravity, New Neutrino News, Wandering Mind, Fearful Brains, Skin Blood, Fastest EColi in the West, Your Mom Was an Alien Zombie, Uses for Electrocution, Gamma Bubbles, Brains on Yoga, Deformed Birds, and Much More! -
26 August, 2010 – This Week in Science
New Worlds Ahoy, Neptune Makes A Lap, Air-tricity, Oil-Nom-Nom, Dry Water Is Not Wet, Destroying HIV, Buzz-Buzz-Groom, New Memristor Circuit, Space Flight Electroshock, Bi-focalled Bugs, Jetlag Fix, The Sex Lives of Birds, Double Complete Hand Transplant, And... A Camel! No, Wait... Tom Merritt! -
28 June, 2010 – This Week in Science
Scientific Fields Entangled Biology and Physics merge as scientists try to explain the DNA double helix with quantum entanglement. Attack of the Long-Lasting Tomatoes Researchers used yeast genes to creat a transgenic tomato that delays decay for up to a week longer than what is currently normal. Bedtimes for the Japanese The Japanese government is […] -
19 April, 2010 – This Week in Science
KDVS Fundraiser Week!, Beneficial Breasts, Multitudes of Microbes, Cyber-Security, DARPA loves Cats, Brainy Fibers, NASA’s Moon Mission, Electrified Space, Chicken or Egg, Messing With Mitochondria, and Much More! -
16 June, 2009 – This Week in Science
Bisphenol Everywhere, Toxo Crashes Cars, Beware of Robo-Ferret, RoboGames Redux, Adventures in Popularity, Move Over Silicon!, Go Fly A Kite, TWIS Bits, and Interview w/ Dr. Greg Gibson re: Genes and Illness. -
This Week in Science – September 23, 2008
The Best Darn Disclaimer Ever, Leaching Plastic Problems, GM Benefits, Spore Launching, Primordial Fish Finds, Beneficial Bacteria, This Week in The End of The World, The Baghdad Surge, and The Weird From Washington with Dr. Michael Stebbins. -
This Week in Science – October 10, 2006 Broadcast
Da Bomb, Trippin’ Treatment, Clean Water and Nasty Bugs, Pushy Parasite, Tropical Paradise?, Quasars and Blazars and Dust in the Sky, TWIS Bytes, and Interview w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins about Science Activism (SEA)