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This Week in Science – 17 March, 2009
Potential Purposes of Prions, Snakes In Greenland, Insect Memory, Science Pop-Quiz, Catching The Higgs, Geocentrism and Global Warming, Robots on the Catwalk, Dark Matters, and the Sand Worms. -
This Week in Science – 10 March, 2009
Chickosaurus!, Horsing Around, The Moon Rules, Religious Brains, Cells and Ladders, Asteroids, Moonlets, and Holes, Oh, My!, Optimism, Naptime, and Avoiding Old Age, and The Question of the Month Minion Style. -
This Week in Science – 03 March, 2009
Stem Cell Stories, First Cats Now Dogs, Dirty Bombs and Old Bottles, X-ray Super Veggies, This Week in Dead People, and Justin Wants To Be A Pregnant Vegan. -
This Week in Science – 03 February, 2009
One-Sided Magnets, Ballsy Mice, Algae Genes, Blowing Hard, Cosmic Extremes, Froggy Discoveries, and the Minion Mailbag. -
This Week in Science – 30 December, 2008
Bye-bye 2008! Science and Celebrities, Predictions for 2009, Mars Alive, Bacteria Support Groups, Bird Songsters, Favoring Orangutans, and TWIS Question of the Month! Hello 2009! Happy New Year everyone… -
This Week in Science – October 14, 2008
Space the Final Frontier, Nobel and Ignobel Prizes, Intelligent Machines, Jesus Sharks, Short Term Memory Loss, Why Justin’s Working On His Pecs, Warning For Bald Men, Girls Gone Math, and Another Bisphenol-A Study. -
This Week in Science – August 08, 2008 Broadcast
Solar Powered Hydrogen, Cellphone Rant, Alzheimer’s Cure?, Run Faster, Get Tested, Particles For Paint, & Interview w/ Dr. Leonard Susskind re: Black Holes -
This Week in Science – May 27, 2008 Broadcast
Baycon Redux, Bad Science in Cold Fusion?, Looking at DNA in a New Light, This Week in World Robot Domination, Phoenix has Landed, Learning to See, Frogamander!, Counting Bacteria, and Much More!!!