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2024 TWIS Blair’s Animal Corner Calendars On Sale Now!
08 December 2023 1:36 PM | No Comments
mathematics Archive
22 December, 2009 – This Week in Science
Dark Matter Detected in a Dark Mine? Is Santa Bad, Or is it The Media? Getting Santa Drunk, Ghosts of Mountains Past, Cellphones Lack Science, And Much More… -
10 November, 2009 – This Week in Science
Shocking Anti-Matter Finding, New Supernovaes, Faulkland Fox Family, A Phone Call, Altruistic Ants, Icy Antarctic Ecosystem, Life In The Lab, Prenatal Phonics, Synthetic Solutions, Feeding The Children, and Much More! -
27 October, 2009 – This Week in Science
Brains!, Sight For the Blind, Whiskers On Robots, Death To Mosquitos!, Musical Brains, Regenerating Nerves, What’s Up With The Bees?, The Best Dino Ever, and Interview w/ Dr. Bill Schutt re: Sanguivores. -
06 October, 2009 – This Week in Science
It’s Nobel Time Again, and IgNobel Time, Give TWIS A Prize, DARPA Wants You, Slow-Motion Brains, Chemical Racing, The BOSS, Quantum Waffles, Mushroom Lighting, Scientist Says, Little Old Lady Findings, Revisiting the Sun and the Moon, and the Minion Mailbag -
25 August, 2009 – This Week in Science
Building Bacteria, Justin’s Mystery Science, Green Worm Bombs, Rant-O-Matic 5000, Time Runs Past It, and an Interview w/ Dr. Richard Muller re: Physics for Future Presidents and More… -
18 August, 2009 – This Week in Science
Making Mice MS-Free, Tracking Cocaine, Going Retrograde, Pollination Decimation, Spasers, and an Interview w/ Dr. David Albert on Philosophy Of Science -
This Week in Science – 05 May, 2009
Remote Control Brains, Making Blood Crawl, Birdsong Basics, This Week in Science History, Drink To Your Sanity, and an Interview with Dr. Leonard Mlodinow re: The Drunkard’s Walk. -
This Week in Science – 31 March, 2009
Hells Bells It’s Stem Cells, Video Games For Vision, Black Hole Stories, Justin’s Squishy Balls, Playing Asteroids, Tuberculosis NADs, Evolution Rants, Daddies and Birds, Carnivorous Dino Bird, and the Minion Mailbag