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08 December 2023 1:36 PM | No Comments
jelleyfish Archive
05 August, 2010 – This Week in Science
Solar Flare Watch, Keep That Inner Child, Imaginary Dinosaurs, Gamers Beating Computers, Global Warming Benefits, Cultural Brain Wiring, And A Bit Of Artificial Intelligence. -
23 March, 2010 – This Week in Science
SXSW Recap, Exceptional Shrimps, Could Be A Hobbit’s Uncle, How To Grow A New Leg, Glaucoma Gets Brainy, Planck Gets Dusty, Seaweed Supplementation, Sperm Play Tron, Science Plays Poker, LHC Record Breaking, And Much More! -
02 March, 2009 – This Week in Science
Materialistic Quantum Leap, R U Who U Think U R, Planets Old And New, Beware Cows And Women, Discriminating Damselfish, Cocaine 4 Babies, and Interview w/ Rich Mooney and Todd Roberts on Bird Brains and Lasers. -
16 September, 2009 This Week In Science
While Kiki’s away, the minions will play… This week Justin was joined by Naomi Most and Pamela Sue Taylor for an hour packed with recent science stories from around the world… -
04 August, 2009 – This Week in Science
Jellyfish Wave Machine, Where Am I, How Many Aliens, Colonizing Space, World Robot Domination, Biting Science, Water Everywhere, and Minions on the Phone -
This Week in Science – 10 February, 2009
LHC News!, Valentine’s Day Warnings, Don’t Feed the Fish, Giant Pythons, Malignant Marijuana, This Week in the End of Florida, Dog/Wolf Love, and Interview w/ Dr. Sean B. Carroll re: Evolution -
This Week in Science – 23 December, 2008
The Top 11 Science Stories of 2008… Merry TWIS-mas!!! -
This Week in Science – 16 December, 2008
Science in the White House!, Jellyfish Rule, Brain Reading, This Week in the End of the World, Penile Precautions, and This Week in World Robot Domination Interview with David Calikins