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This Week in Science – May 03, 2007 Broadcast
It’s a Hog-Wash, More Bang for the Ethanol, Powerful Beer, LHC Update, Bee Drama, Banana Vaccine, Mouse-Brained Computer, Thinking Ahead, The Weird in Washington, TWIS-tributor!!!, Bear Strength, Justin Rants, The Nitty Gritty of Bird Sex -
This Week in Science – April 26, 2007 Broadcast
Rats Know Failure, Brain Pain Not a Drain, Justin’s HIV Rant, ET’s Home?, Doctors Get Dough, Drink It!, The Weird in Washington, TWIStributor!!!, Angelic Clouds, Melamine Madness, The Nitty Gritty -
This Week in Science – April 24, 2007 Broadcast
Thank You All For Donating!!!, Aborting Misunderstanding, Lady Sperm, The Stress of Alcohol, Melatonin 4 Life, This Week in World Robot Domination, Strawberry Daquiris, Bees in the Media, Superman Predicts Kryptonite, Blurby Ethanol News & Interview w/ Climatologist Dr. Gavin Schmidt. This week’s interview is the first in a two-part series of our attempt to […] -
This Week in Science – April 12, 2007 Broadcast
Out Out Damn Sun Spot, Leaching Cells, Medicated Fish, Justin Gets Current, Magnetosphere Older Than Thought, Colorful Aliens, Insect Flu, Nitty Gritty Goes Hypnotic, Weird from Washington w/ Dr. Stebbins, Survey Says?!? TWIS Minions Rock! -
This Week in Science – April 10, 2007 Broadcast
LHC Update Cool, Arsenic and Old Kelp, Nature Videos Abound, Endosymbiosis or Bust, Visionary Meals, Justin’s Bad Habits Justified, Antarctic Amphibian, A Bird Tail, Tropical Cooler, Bacterial Hide-n-Seek, Females Are Best, Green Solar Tech, Earth-Core -
This Week in Science – March 27, 2007 Broadcast
Multi-dimensional Math-a-ganza, Right to the Rant, Sugar Spark, Bio-Battery, and Groovy Glasses, Indonesian Roadblock, See With Your Mind, iPOD Beats, Kirsten Gets Nostalgic, & Interview w/ William Gurstelle, author of Whoosh Boom Splat -
This Week in Science – February 27, 2007 Broadcast
Technological Promises, Scientific Suspicions, Airplanes – Clothing Optional, Gassy Surprise, When Chimps Attack With Spears, Birdy Brains, Where’s Pinellis? Ummm… Circumcisions Are In, & Interview w/ Dr. Alex Vilenkin on the Cosmos -
This Week in Science – February 06, 2007 Broadcast
Cancer, Cancer, Go away!, Many Molluscs, That Bacterial Glow, Dino Finding, Greenhouse Goodness, Superbowl Smarminess, Time Keeps on Tickin, TWIS Bytes, & Interview w/ Jerry Roe on Snow Leopard Conservation.