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This Week in Science – August 12, 2008
PomPom Danger, LHC FTW!, Mama’s Sick, Invisbility redux, Size Does Matter, Winning Plays, The Weird From Washington, Australia Bashing, News You Can Use, Chicken Feather Walls, and Much More -
This Week in Science – August 08, 2008 Broadcast
Solar Powered Hydrogen, Cellphone Rant, Alzheimer’s Cure?, Run Faster, Get Tested, Particles For Paint, & Interview w/ Dr. Leonard Susskind re: Black Holes -
This Week in Science – July 29, 2008 Broadcast
Justin’s NASA rant, Venus Alive, Martian Assault, Lab On A Chip, The Northern Lights, Enzyme Alert, Drunk Wisdom, Parasite Biomassive, Orangutan Aspirin, Shree Trews, & The Weird From Washington W/Dr. Michael Stebbins -
This Week in Science – June 17, 2008 Broadcast
Meteoric Rise Of Life, Icy Mars, TWIWorld Robot Domination, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!!!, How Much for the Kidney?, Eyes to the Brain, and The Weird From Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins -
This Week in Science – May 20, 2008 Broadcast
Kirsten Plays Hookie, Tiger Mouse!, Finding Invaders, Phoenix Landing, Building Films, Star Brighter, Creation in Brazil, Near Earth Object Alert, and The Weird in Washington w/Dr. Michael Stebbins. -
This Week in Science – March 18, 2008 Broadcast
Island Cretins, New Blood, Aussie Bashing Banned, Rugged Face of Mars, Squirrel Stress, World Robot Domination, Bird News, Fungus Sex, Great Symbiosis Batman, Cleanin’ up Nuclear, and a Planetary Breath. -
This Week in Science – March 11, 2008 Broadcast
Technology Saves TWIS, Death Ahead!, More Hobbit Controversy, Whiskey Cleaners, Swimming in the Sea, Media and Racism, Hybrid Hubbub, Where You At Krill?, Nuke Cleanup, Got Plutonium?, Stoney Bacteria, RNA-na-nana-na-na-nanaaa, Aging Views, TWiWRD -
This Week in Science – January 15, 2008 Broadcast
Agression = Sex?, Genetics of Disease, Do You Hear What I Hear?, Superconducting Silicon, Fruit Fly Glow, World Robot Domination, The Weird From Washing ton, TWIStribution, Giant Earths and more…