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cognitive science Archive
This Week in Science – January 30, 2007 Broadcast
Better Living Through Brain Damage, Robo-sniffer Domination, Virgin Modo Sighting, Evolutionary Hopscotch, Hobbitty Hop, End of the World, Mapping the World, & Interview w/ Biocomputing expert and author of Genesis Machines, Dr. Martyn Amos -
This Week in Science – January 09, 2007
Happy New Year!!! TWIS 2007 Predictions, Skin Cells Save Skin, Mad Mothiness, Seeds of Memory, This Week in the End of the World, Trust Your Instincts, Go To School, & an Interview w/ Dr. Christopher Viney, UC Merced, on Materials Science. -
This Week in Science – January 02, 2007
Happy New Year every one! This week’s show is a blast from the past with an interview of sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson from 2001 with hosts Kirsten, Ted, and Greg. Hope that you had as great a holiday break as we did. Remember to vote for TWIS at -
This Week in Science – December 05, 2006 Broadcast
Red Red Wine, Mechanical Day Planner Decoded, Heart Cells Pumpin’ Iron, Solar Powered Blood, To the Moon NASA, Deep Space Pockets for Life, Neandertal News, Fast Pace of the City, Who’s Bossing You Around, Why Chemo is Bad for the Brain, Alcoholic Lung, Ant Battles Abound, Brainy Whales -
This Week in Science – November 21, 2006 Broadcast
Stick a Knitting Needle in Your Eye!, Science History Moment, Neandertal Party, Monkey Love, Crayfish Copulation, Interview w/ Seed magazine Founder Adam Bly, Interview w/ Jazz Musician Vijay Iyer, Interview w/ Theater Director Edward Einhorn -
This Week in Science – November 14, 2006 Broadcast
Test Yourself, Don’t Be Afraid of the HPV, Women in Science History Madness, Interview w/ David Bodanis about mathematician Emilie du Chatelet, Intervirew w/ George Johnson about Henrietta Swan Leavitt and measuring the sky, Justin’s Math Power Couple, and Proof That Men Have Always Spent Too Much Time on the Toilet. -
This Week in Science – November 07, 2006 Broadcast
Stimulating Memory, What the Heck is Glossolalia, Humandertals, Virassic Park, Top Young Scientist Gets Outta School, plus Interview About Altruism w/ Dr. Lee Dugatkin -
This Week in Science – October 17, 2006 Broadcast
Disclaimer Blah Blah Blahs, Electrodes in the Brain, World Parasite Domination, Talk About Prozac Nation, Like Shooting Fish in A Cave in the Desert, Camel Giants, Heavy Man Heavy, TWIS Bytes, and Interview w/ William Sweet Author of Kicking the Carbon Habit