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genetics Archive
This Week in Science – December 11, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Gets Sick and Quits, Triclocarban and Testosterone, Belief is in the Brain, Mooning Over Saturn, Rest Up, Genetic Bi-Sexuality, & Interview w/ Chris Impey re: Astrobiology -
This Week in Science – November 27, 2007 Broadcast
Turkey Coma Lies!, Piggybacking on Physics, Pacific Invasion, Chinese Lunarganda, Indigenipeoplification, Perceptual Mismatch, Neural Guide Gene, and Interview w/ NASA scientists Drs. Claire L. Parkinson and Michael King -
This Week in Science – November 06, 2007
TWISclaimer!, Fuel Fight?, Chinese in Space, Sod It, Olympic Doping, Excercise Is Power, Pictures Made Real, This Week in World Robot Domination, The Weird From Washington, TWIStributors, Brainbow, and Little TWIS Bytes -
This Week in Science – October 30, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Allen Poe and The Science Raven, Three-Eyed Frogs, Rat Brains, Neandertal Style, Dino Footprints, Plastic Bodies, Don’t Think About Not Thinking About It, & Interview w/ Ian Ayres, Author of Super Crunchers -
This Week in Science – October 16, 2007 Broadcast
Supplementing Arsenic, Chocolate is in the blood, Sex and TWiWorld Robot Domination, Little Giants, New Old Big, Lap Dance Luck, Vitamin Bleb, Gas Eating Bacteria, Did You Hear?, Healthy CO, A Worm’s Life, Flava-flavonoids, Bad A** Plant, Sorry No Interview, But We Have New T-Shirts and CDs Available (Go to for details). -
This Week in Science – September 25, 2007 Broadcast
Hobbittses, Passing On the Changes, To Mars Alice, Sperm Or Death?, Dino Discoveries, The Weird From Washington, and Interview w/ Dr. James Watson (yes, THE Watson of Watson and Crick… don’t look so surprised) -
This Week in Science – September 18, 2007 Broadcast
Men Wash Your Hands!, Men Are The Secret To Longevity! Sick and Lonely Truth, What is Intelligence Anyway, Burning Water?!?, Protein Laundry, Retrovirus Revival?, Interview w/ Dr. Rolf Halden re: Environmental Toxicology. -
This Week in Science – September 11, 2007 Broadcast
What Good Is Conservation?, Non-Native Danger, Bee Buzz, Fishy Mixup, Hearty Sleep, Cancer Scan, Making Mosquitos Less Sweet, The Weird In Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins, Trio of TWIStributors, and Shout-Outs!!!