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genetics Archive
This Week in Science – 27 January, 2009
The End of the World, This Week in Evolution, Why Being an Astronaught Isn’t So Hip,Police and Non Lethal Weapons Don’t Mix, Recess Makes You Smarter, and Interview on Autism w/ Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen -
This Week in Science – 13 January, 2009
Transmission Dismission, Chemical Replication, Defrosting Beef, Little Girl is Back!, My How the Fruit Flies, Mossie Love Songs, This Week in Science History, and Headline Round-up. -
This Week in Science – 30 December, 2008
Bye-bye 2008! Science and Celebrities, Predictions for 2009, Mars Alive, Bacteria Support Groups, Bird Songsters, Favoring Orangutans, and TWIS Question of the Month! Hello 2009! Happy New Year everyone… -
This Week in Science – 25 November, 2008
Miracles Discussed, Flies Gone Wild, Mammoth Operations, To the Birds, Sweet Space, Planetary Discovery, Madness, Genetic Explanations, and Learning to Speak. -
This Week in Science – 18 November, 2008
Climate Change Denial, Microbes in the Sea, Microbes in your Gut, The Weird From Washington, TV Sadness, Bleach Works, Wide-Hipped Women, Anti-Matter Xplosion, and Rocky CO2. -
This Week in Science – 04 November, 2008
It’s Election Day! Vote For Science!, Tunnel To The Sun, Antimatter in Outer Space, Find of Fungal Nature, Water on Mars, Electricity on Titan, An Ancient iceman, AND the Weird From Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins. -
This Week in Science – 28 October, 2008
Flax Oil No-No, Martian Methane, MacGyver Rays, Gamma Waves For Kids, Self-Tazering, Everyday Is Halloween, and Interview With Ben Crockett From -
This Week in Science – October 14, 2008
Space the Final Frontier, Nobel and Ignobel Prizes, Intelligent Machines, Jesus Sharks, Short Term Memory Loss, Why Justin’s Working On His Pecs, Warning For Bald Men, Girls Gone Math, and Another Bisphenol-A Study.