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mammals Archive
This Week in Science – 13 January, 2009
Transmission Dismission, Chemical Replication, Defrosting Beef, Little Girl is Back!, My How the Fruit Flies, Mossie Love Songs, This Week in Science History, and Headline Round-up. -
This Week in Science – October 21, 2008 Broadcast
Monkey Brains, Human Brains, Hubble, Migrating Dead Peeps, Nutritional Conspiracies Abound, and the Weird From Washington With Dr. Michael Stebbins. -
This Week in Science – June 17, 2008 Broadcast
Meteoric Rise Of Life, Icy Mars, TWIWorld Robot Domination, Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!!!, How Much for the Kidney?, Eyes to the Brain, and The Weird From Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins -
This Week in Science – March 18, 2008 Broadcast
Island Cretins, New Blood, Aussie Bashing Banned, Rugged Face of Mars, Squirrel Stress, World Robot Domination, Bird News, Fungus Sex, Great Symbiosis Batman, Cleanin’ up Nuclear, and a Planetary Breath. -
This Week in Science – December 25, 2007 Broadcast
Merry TWISmas one and all!, Mars Attacked, Mars Alive?, Tracking Santa, Baby Newton, Animal Antics, Whale Tale, MUSIC!!!, World Robot Domination – Power, Tonedeaf Brains, Birds Who Sing Together, More Whales, Animal Discoveries, Stem Cells Arise! -
This Week in Science – December 11, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Gets Sick and Quits, Triclocarban and Testosterone, Belief is in the Brain, Mooning Over Saturn, Rest Up, Genetic Bi-Sexuality, & Interview w/ Chris Impey re: Astrobiology -
This Week in Science – November 13, 2007
Who Talks More?, Who’s Being Illogical?, Why’s Math Good?, Bring In the Brains, Saving Spinal Cords, Cosmic Inference, Robo-Humans?, and Interview w/ Dr. Don Prothero on Evolution. Buy our World Robot Domination t-shirts at -
This Week in Science – October 30, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Allen Poe and The Science Raven, Three-Eyed Frogs, Rat Brains, Neandertal Style, Dino Footprints, Plastic Bodies, Don’t Think About Not Thinking About It, & Interview w/ Ian Ayres, Author of Super Crunchers