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fish Archive
23 June, 2011 – This Week in Science
Oceanic Blues, Udder Engineering, Mercury Revs, Who's Earth's Daddy?, Parental Blame, Orca Ears, Dino Thermometers, Memory Prosthetics, Zombie Parasite, and Much More... -
27 January, 2011 – This Week in Science
A Guest Host!, Corals Marching, Burning Coal, Nabokov's Butterflies, Life In Space, TWIWRD, The Social Fish, 20 Moves, Remembering To Remember, And Much More... -
30 December, 2010 – This Week in Science
The annual TWISmas episode, also it's our 300th episode! We're bringing you The Top 11 Science Stories of 2010!!! -
18 November, 2010 – This Week in Science
Hayabusa Update!, Oil Countdown, Repairing Spines, Toxic Dart Games, Trapping Anti-Matter, Carve the Rainbow, Drink For Your Health, Snot Cocoons, Sexy Schizophrenia, This Week in Pregnancy, And Much More... -
14 October, 2010 – This Week in Science
Slushy Moons, TWiThe End of the World OR Clymidia, Electric Microbes, GoupStress, TWiWorld Robot Domination, Minion Mailbag, And Much More!!! -
05 August, 2010 – This Week in Science
Solar Flare Watch, Keep That Inner Child, Imaginary Dinosaurs, Gamers Beating Computers, Global Warming Benefits, Cultural Brain Wiring, And A Bit Of Artificial Intelligence. -
28 June, 2010 – This Week in Science
Scientific Fields Entangled Biology and Physics merge as scientists try to explain the DNA double helix with quantum entanglement. Attack of the Long-Lasting Tomatoes Researchers used yeast genes to creat a transgenic tomato that delays decay for up to a week longer than what is currently normal. Bedtimes for the Japanese The Japanese government is […] -
02 March, 2009 – This Week in Science
Materialistic Quantum Leap, R U Who U Think U R, Planets Old And New, Beware Cows And Women, Discriminating Damselfish, Cocaine 4 Babies, and Interview w/ Rich Mooney and Todd Roberts on Bird Brains and Lasers.