17 April, 2019 – Episode 717 – Keeping Science Alive!


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What is in the This Week in Science Podcast?

First Heart?, Only Mostly Dead!, CBD Cures, Microbial Bowels, Fire Ant Soap Opera, Sea Spider Legs, Coral Reef Screens, Exoplanet Life, Baby Molecule, Deep AI, Bio Machines, Pond Life, Ancient Pee, And Much More…

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The following science news program is brought to you by people like you…
More specifically by people like Andy Grow.
People who not just enjoy learning about science, but understand the importance of it to our everyday lives…
People like Andy Grow.
People who support science based shows and science based policy making…
People like Andy Grow.
And while we have lots of choices to make when it comes to how, when and where we spend our time in this life…
we here at TWiS are always happy to spend that time with you…
And Andy Grow…
Here on This Week in Science,
Andy Grow edition,
Coming Up Next…

And, NOW, Some Science News From This Week in Science

First Heart?
Bioprinting is full of promise for future medical needs, and that future might be rapidly on its way. Researchers in regenerative engineering in Tel Aviv have successfully bioprinted the world’s first 3-dimensional, vascularized human heart using a patient’s cells. The only problems are that it is only about as big as a rabbit’s heart, and the cells don’t beat together like they should.

Only Mostly Dead!
Yale researchers report keeping pig brains alive several hours after decapitation the the journal Nature using their BrainEx perfusion system.

CBD Trojan Horse
A possible path past the blood-brain barrier with cannabidiol.

Irritable bowel microbiome correlation
The condition is 80% predictable based on bacteria that are present in the gut.

Blair’s Animal Corner!… with Blair!

Fire ant society is complicated…
There can be one queen, or many, but the girls know what’s best in either case.

Sea spider legs are like swiss cheese
No, they aren’t nutty and creamy (I mean, they might be, I’ve never tasted one…), but they are full of holes.

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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?

“So my doctor recently said that I needed to talk to a cardiologist. He said that I needed to get an angiogram to find out if I had any heart blockages. I was in and out within 8 hours and went to work the next day. The results of the angio said that we probably need to go in and do a triple bypass. So, we’re setting up everything with my insurance company to take care of the triple bypass.
I work part-time at minimum wage and I absolutely do not have a company health plan. And while medical science is doing all the heavy lifting there is another kind of science is paying for it. Thanks to the affordable health care plan I have medical insurance for one of the few times in my life. Thanks to the state of California I have Medi-Cal because my income isn’t sufficient to warrant me paying for insurance. And say what you like about it I find the coverage is vastly superior to every other medical plan I’ve ever had.
So, what has political science done for me lately? In the stroke of a pen I’ll be able to get my heart repaired and recover and even work casually because of medical science and have it all paid for through the taxes I’ve been putting in all my life.

Let’s continue with Some More Science News From This Week in Science

Coral reef quick screening via environmental DNA
Just a cup full of water can relate important ecological information.

Radiating Life
Researchers looking at potential radiation exposure on the likeliest exoplanet candidates for life found that life could definitely abide what is being dealt by the frequent flares from the stars they orbit.

Earth-Sized Exoplanet
NASA’s TESS satellite has discovered its first Earth-sized exoplanet along with a sub-Neptune-sized gas giant orbiting a star called HD21749. The system lies about 53 light years from Earth.

Tatooine Planet Finding
A new planet orbiting the Kepler 47 binary star system otherwise known as Tatooine was confirmed.

The universe’s first baby molecule has been found

AI For Folding, AI For Fusion
AI deep learning networks hold promise for numerous scientific areas.

And, finally, Some Quick Science News Stories To End The Show

Biological Machines
Using DNA as a base material, Cornell researchers are creating machines with life-like properties.

More like the primordial amuse bouche?
Life is likely to have originated in ponds, not the ocean.

Archeology… of ancient pee

Sharks are afraid of orcas, elephant seals win

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.