10 November, 2011 – This Week in Science


Of Monkeys And Men, Mighty Mice, Guts And Brains, Toxo Chem Lab, Predicting Risk, Attention And Vision, Magnetic Moon, You In A Dish, And Much More…

Disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer!
The lunatics are running the asylum…
And while we all may have been assuming the asylum staff would be able to get things back under control, it is quite clear now that the gig of being an asylum staffer was not a career choice, and hardly worth returning to under adverse conditions… that or they have been eaten by the inmates… In any case…
The way in which the governments of the world have set their priorities seem to indicate that they have no idea how civilization got where it is today…
It was science! Not investment banks that discovered how to harness electricity, how to light our homes, power a motor, and how to build the first computers
It was science! Not service providers that unlocked the secrets of gravity, of rocketry, of physics that launched the satellites into space
It was science! Not massive media conglomerates that invented radio, television, analog and digital recordings…
It is science! That saves us from illness before we get sick and rescues us again when we do… Not health insurance companies or pharmaceutical companies…
It is science that has lead the way over and over again throughout human history and it is science in which we must trust to lead us through the current problems we face…
But you won’t hear talk like that anywhere other than…
This week in science!… coming up next

Egalitarian monkeys in Brazil…

selective advantage for first human colonists

Creating Mighty mouse…

Does our large brain stem from our guts?

Toxo alters brain chemistry…

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Computer predicts breast cancer risk…

Looking versus seeing

Moon’s magnetized rocks

Pituitary gland in a dish…

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.