18 April, 2018 – Episode 667 – This Week in Science (TWIS) Podcast


Space Diamonds, Brains In Brains, Ebola Vaccine Hope, MoOOOoles, Famous Animal Victims, Ant Rewards, Neander Noses, Plastic Eating Enzyme, Fog Harvest, Face Palm Science, Diseases And Drinking, And Much More…

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An end user license agreement has been generated
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Though at the time of airing this episode,
the algorithm is still generating exceptions,
and a ludicrously unlikely lack of liability caveats.
Still, it should be known
that the following hour of programming
is not covered under any form of host/ listener privilege of privacy…
If you or anyone you know has engaged in unscientific activities,
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If fact,
as long as you are here,
we might as well start the treatment immediately with…
This Week in Science,
Coming Up Next…

Space Diamonds
Diamond inclusions discovered in meteorite fragments contain elements suggestive of a planetary source. Were these chunks of space rocks from an ancient planet that once orbited the sun?

Brains In Brains
Researchers showed that mini human brains implanted into mouse brains survived and functionally integrated into the host tissue.

Ebola Vaccine Hope
Two years in, a vaccine for the Ebola Zaire strain of the disease continues to protect volunteers.

Could an implantable “tattoo” sensor tell us if we have cancer?

Famous animals victim of their own success
Animals frequently shown in branding and other aspects of the media are often perceived to be more prevalent than in real life, which is quite the unexpected blow to species on the brink of extinction.

Ants like to treat themselves after a hard day’s work!
Does that cold beer taste better after a tough day? It might, and the same might be true for ants as well.

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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?
“The clock works! I was fixing my clock listening to the show and realized all the science that has been applied to making my simple wall clock tell time. Here are just a few:
– Metallurgy to purify and produce metals and metal coatings that resist corrosion so the fine gears keep cooperating!
– Physics to balance the 12″” clock hands so the tiny motor turns with nearly no effort.
– Chemistry in the battery to tease out a way to hold and slowly release electrons to power the clock.
…and a bunch more between the plastic creation and molding and the printing of the numbers, on and on. The more I think about it, the more I see the fruits of science being harvested in this everyday gizmo.
Thanks for a great show with tons of variety and levity.
Minion Andrew”

Neander Noses
Turns out their nasal passages delivered more air to the lungs than modern human noses.

Plastic Eating Enzyme
Two years after discovering a plastic eating bacterium in a Japanese dump, researchers have isolated the enzyme that gives it this special power.

Meanwhile back on Tatooine…
A simple harp design facilitates greater water harvest from fog.

Airline Transmission
Sick people spread germs, but this study didn’t have any sick people.

Animal Predictions
Studies on this topic have been few, and poorly run.

Kissing Disease
Turns out that the kissing disease, mono nucleosis, might predispose you to lots of other diseases.

No More Noro?
Not yet…

Drink Less
An international study found increased risk of death at levels lower than those recommended by national guidelines.

Zoos and Aquariums are important contributors to science!
They have published over 5,000 studies in the past 20 years, and have completely changed how we care for and conserve species.

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.