17 February, 2011 – This Week in Science


Stardust, TWIWRD, Bones And Sperm, TWIBabies!, Gonorrhea Steals Genes, Pesticides and Parkinsons, Walk Like An Egyptian, Tyche Controversy, And Much More…

Show Notes:
Some of the stories we discussed…

Stardust Update

This Week in World Robot Domination:
Watson plays Jeopardy!
Evolution makes robots stronger.

This Week in Babies:
Interesting brain activity pattern found at 20 weeks
Counting kicks in at 18 months; earlier than previously thought (Thanks, Pamela)

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Two pesticides linked to ParkinsonsDisease (Thanks, Pamela and Ed!)

Continuing on from last week’s news of jumping genes and horizontal gene transfer… first transfer of human genetic material to bacteria

Walk like an Egyptian…

Looking for Tyche – For and against

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.