15 December, 2011 – This Week in Science


Hiding Higgs, Fracking Up The Water, Science 8-Ball, PTSD Shot, Spider Science, Chest Waxers Beware, Ant Warfare, Sheep Politics, Tetrapod Trickiness, A Mini Stirling, And Much More…

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Look! at the world we live in
Consider the history of human advancement across the ages,
Tremendous progress over thousands of years, against great odds and overwhelming opposition
Progress which pales in comparison to the drastic changes over the last hundred years, over the last ten years, or
sometimes the great changes can even take place between episodes of this show….
Ask yourself,
In a world like this, with people like us, is anything impossible?
Nothing can be unachievable by a people who have achieved such greatness over and over again.
Yes there are politics, yes there is a recession, yes mans inhumanity to man continues…
Times are tough, but they’ve been tougher.
The road ahead looks rough, but it’s looked rougher
And with our look back in time,
We can see what mysterious force of in history unlocked in the modern age
that put such distance between the promise of the present and the struggles of the past…
We can see it then and watch it now,
as it continues to shape the future civilization here on…
This week in science… coming up next

Still no Higgs

Fracking water
Fracking wells

New research tool to accelerate correlative data studies

A PTSD shot???

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Spider science

Democracy for the Sheeple, by the Sheeple

Protect against bedbugs… grow hair!

Chemical warfare in Antville!

Tracks of tetrapods

Shrinking the Stirling engine

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.