15 August, 2018 – Episode 683 – This Week in Science (TWIS) Podcast


Leaky Gut Fights, Magnetic Fish, Mummy Knows Best, WiFi Safety, Sneaky Cuckoos, Wing Sniffers, Bipedal Bones, Bad Hot Work, Man’s War, The Drunchies, And Much More…

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What do we have here?
One wonderful planet that’s what.
That’s what we’ve got here folks.
And while there are plenty of other things to complain about,
the planet really isn’t one of them.
It’s just great.
What’s so great about it you ask?
Why, You!
You are what is so great about this planet.
You are on the planet and it wouldn’t be the same without you.
You with the inquisitive mind.
You with a taste for science-y things.
You with your big brain and bottomless appetite for knowledge.
Why if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t even be here right now!
And if we weren’t here right now then you wouldn’t be about to enjoy another episode of
This Week In Science
Coming Up Next

Fighting could give you a leaky gut
So kiss and make up, it’s better for you.

Science: Making you Safer w/WiFi
That router in the corner could be doing more than allowing you to snapchat in a crowded venue – it could be scanning for dangerous weapons as well!

Magnetic Fish?
Catish have a gene that enables them to sense electromagnetic fields.

Mummy provides evidence of persistence of knowledge
Mummification process was practiced for a very long time.

Cuckoo brings sneakery to a new low.
These birds not only parasitize the parental care of other birds, they have specialized in the size and shape of their eggs to improve their deception. Wow, they really don’t want to care for their babies, do they??

Nice to sniff you.
Fly wings might be for more than bugging you – they might help bugs to smell you more effectively!

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This Week in What Has Science Done for me Lately?!?
“You get a lot of What Has Science one For Me stories about modern medicine saving someone’s life. While I do have a story like that – with the twist that my life was saved from complications following an earlier procedure to save my life – that’s not what I want to talk about.

I have been a science enthusiast since I was a child. I remember viewing Saturn through a neighbor’s telescope when I was five years old. Among my favorite toys were a Gilbert chemistry set I used to destroy test tubes, and a microscope I used to look at pond water.

Though I did not pursue a STEM career, I have remained a fan of science as an adult. I read about particle physics for fun. I check science news websites daily, watch science and nature videos and listen to podcasts like TWIS.

For work, I make high-end musical instruments. Specifically, flutes made mostly of silver and gold. Though the basic acoustical science of how a flute makes sound was worked out a couple of centuries ago, there is an endless variety of alloys and materials to try; different construction techniques and tools; small tweaks and even major modifications we can make to the instruments, each contributing some subtle – or not so subtle – quality to their sound.

A science-inspired approach to carefully testing and evaluating all of these possible variables helps me understand how to make the best instruments possible, and where to look to improve them even further.

I simply would not see the world the same way without my love for science and respect for the scientific method. What science has done for me lately, as it has done for me all of my life, is it has made me me.

Oh, yeah, and it also saved me from appendicitis and peritonitis a few years ago.”
–Captain Damage

Walking on two legs
Apparently it was a thing before we thought it was a thing.

Nobody wants to work in the heat
Public servants are less effective at their essential duties in the heat, which raises concerns in our warming world.

War… it’s a man thing
That men are more often involved in war could be a thing of chance.

Why does being drunk make me eat like garbage? And what does that mean for me, later?

That four loco lifestyle
Mixing energy drinks with alcohol may be more of a “monster” than we even thought…

Mr. Stubbs the tail-less alligator!
3D printing and prosthesis technology allowed caregivers in Phoenix to give an alligator without a tail a new lease on terror. I mean life…

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.