13 October, 2011 – This Week in Science


A Kraken Tale, Toothy Pterosaurs, Coloring Fossil Moths, Digital Dinos, Black Death Sequenced, Marriage Madness, The Hard Lives of Stars, We Got Muscles, No More Vitamins, And Much More…

Disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer!
Without a pre amble the post amble can seem pointless
And when things seem pointless the problems that face us become too daunting to deal with
Things too daunting are ignored or resigned to as inevitable
When things are ignored, they are not taught, no teachers, no students, no new thoughts
and with no new thoughts, no new solutions are possible… and so the problems continue
In science, there is nothing so daunting as having no teachers, no students, and no new thoughts
For the problems facing us are not nearly so great as the opportunities for greatness that are going unanswered…
Without the questioning minds, there are no questions asked, and no answers found… even though solutions are still required
We people are capable of far greater feats of solution finding than we have performed so far
And as proof of this, we offer you
This week in science… coming up next

A Kraken of a Tale

Toothy Pterosaur

Black holes destroy stars

There’s a bounty of failed stars out there

Materialism and Marriage

Black death sequenced

And, fossil moths show some color

Get a free audiobook at Audible.com!

Muscles of the future

Don’t take your vitamins

The LHSee

Stopping inflammation

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About the Author

I'm the host of this little science show.