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Three ways to subscribe - choose one

1. Podcast
iTunes Users Only (Mac and PC)
Click the link below to launch the TWIS iTunes page*. Press the "Subscribe" button on that page and you're subscribed. You'll now automatically receive each new episode of This Week in Science as soon as it's published.

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*You must have iTunes installed to use this option.  If you don't have 
iTunes you can download and install it for free by clicking here

2. NEW - Email Subscriptions
Interested in subscribing but don't use podcast software? We've just added a way to automatically get This Week in Science shows delivered to you by email.

To subscribe just enter your email address below. Each week we'll send you a link that will allow you to listen to the latest show online.

The service is provided by Feedburner and your email address will not be shared or misused in any way.

Enter your address in the box below and hit "Subscribe". We'll send you a confirmation email within 5 minutes - just click on the link in the email and you're all set. You'll begin receiving new shows as we release them (typically once a week).

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